“ I specialised in Food Microbiology, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), Food Safety, and Quality Control during both my Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes.
My interest in the feed industry was sparked during my academic years when I was introduced to “Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP).” I kept an eye out for opportunities in the aquaculture industry, but I never imagined that one day I would receive a call from Skretting! Working here is a fascinating experience because it amazes me how different fish species have unique diets and how something like just the buoyancy of the feed plays a big factor in terms of quality. On top of that, I love how cooperative all the departments are, they truly have shown me what effective communication between teams should look like!
What motivates me to wake up every day is the ever-changing nature of our work. Every day presents new challenges, allowing me to learn, grow, and express my work ethic. Although I haven't been at Skretting for long, I genuinely see myself growing and staying here for many years to come.
Being part of Skretting's over 125-year heritage is a source of great satisfaction and I am grateful to be a part of it. I'm enthusiastic about the achievements that lie ahead in our continuing story!”