A safe and inclusive workplace

Ensuring all of our workplaces around the world are safe environments in which to conduct our operations has always been a top priority for Skretting and our parent company Nutreco. Indeed it is in everyone’s best interest to ensure that health  and safety is deeply rooted across the business as it provides the platform for sustainable growth. Conversely, any operations that unwittingly neglect them will significantly heighten the risk of injury, increased costs and reduced profitability.

Safety first

Effective training is one of the most important tools in establishing a strong culture of health and safety.

Generally, health and safety can be taken for granted and that is the inherent risk. If we are not aware day-by-day, hour-by-hour of the potential risks around us, risk levels increase accordingly. In life, people must show awareness of potentially hazardous situations. The same is true of our factories, which is why we aim to ensure our people are well trained and know exactly what they are doing.

Skretting is a professional organisation, and being professional requires us to be in control of what we are doing in terms of our operations and our plants. The most productive and sustainable way to achieve that aim is through collaboration and interaction with our people. As such, awareness is of paramount importance across the company and at all levels – from top management to the factory floor.

If we are not aware day-by-day, hour-by-hour of the potential risks around us, risk levels increase accordingly.

To make our workplaces safer and healthier for all employees, we identify risk and work to the reduce the number of injuries and lost time incidents (LTIs). For a global company however, there is no specific one-size-fits-all when it comes to making our operations safer and healthier places to work as there are differences between established and emerging markets.

Skretting has made good progress in addressing such areas in recent years; helped by the introduction of more mechanisation and organising operations better. Investment in establishing much more sophisticated plants, including the construction of new facilities, has undeniably heightened this progress.

Averøy factory Skretting Norway

Abiding by the same standards

Health and safety and good operations go hand-in-hand.

While the solutions applied to Skretting operations can and do differ, we ensure that the same robust standards are applied globally. We regularly audit of all operations – a process that identifies any health and safety shortcomings or non-conformities and provides an appropriate timescale to rectify each. All non-conformities are monitored through a live reporting system.

We have a Health & Safety Executive Network, comprising of representative members from across the business globally. The network meets regularly to address the topics that head the current agenda.

Diversity and inclusion

A safe and inclusive workplace means equal opportunities for all and protection from discrimination regardless of race, colour, religious creed, sex, national origin, citizenship status, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, marital, parental, military status or any other status protected by applicable local law. 

About our people

Skretting feed in hand