Gaining traction with ASC certifications around the world 

Feed in hands

The world population is set to hit 10 billion by the year 2050, and how we are going to produce the food we need to support this growth in a sustainable way, is a question that’s on everyone’s minds.

As a feed manufacturer, Skretting recognises that it has an important role to play in contributing to feeding the world, and in the process of doing so we have to recognise and mitigate the associated environmental and social risks. One of the ways we are doing this is by committing to responsible sourcing, and holding ourselves accountable by subscribing to the ASC Feed Standard. By certifying our feed, we are guaranteeing that we use responsibly-sourced ingredients, and meet strict requirements for traceability, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility. On this front, we are proud to report that we have been making steady progress.

This standard is raising the bar when it comes to the accountability and transparency of the risks in our operations and the actions we take to mitigate them, in close collaboration with our suppliers and other partners in the value chain.
Jorge Diaz, Sustainability Director, Skretting

In March, Skretting Spain announced that it was the first EU aquaculture feed manufacturer to be awarded the ASC Feed Standard certification. Just a month before, Skretting Japan also announced that its Imari plant was the first in the country to obtain the same certification. On the other hand Skretting Chile’s Osorno plant was the first Skretting facility and first salmon feed company in the world to obtain the certification in early 2024, and since then the facilities in Ecuador, Honduras, Canada and Norway have proudly joined their rank after going through rigorous audit processes.

“In the past year, seven of our operating companies have obtained the ASC Feed Standard certification, and we are preparing to certify others where there’s a market need to ensure we can help farmers keep their ASC Farm certifications before they need to switch to certified feeds in October 2025,” says Jorge Diaz, Sustainability Director at Skretting. “This standard is raising the bar when it comes to the accountability and transparency of the risks in our operations and the actions we take to mitigate them, in close collaboration with our suppliers and other partners in the value chain.”