Strengthening the outer barriers of the fish, such as skin, gills and gut.
Tilapia can be exposed to various challenges throughout the life cycle. Nutrition and functional feeds can play a vital role in maintaining fish health. Protec is Skretting’s prime functional feed for farmed tilapia, enhancing fish resistance and immunity.
Protec contains a complex profile of innovative functional ingredients which safeguard tilapia during challenging phases. It is based on three pillars: Shield, Support and Balance, and helps to support the natural defenses of the fish as well as support the immune system and optimise the balance between fish, microbes and environment.
Strengthening the outer barriers of the fish, such as skin, gills and gut.
Supporting the immune system, providing sufficient antioxidant and builing blocks for new cells.
Ensuring there is an optimal balance between the fish, environment and potential harmful microbes.