Health and Safety 2023

Below in this text is the data for registered injuries and fatalities.

At Skretting we care about the health, safety and security of people
At Skretting, people come first. We care about the health, safety and security of our employees, customers, suppliers, contractors, visitors and the communities in which we operate. We are committed to promote a safe working environment of continuous improvement, trust and mutual collaboration.

Zero harm is possible. We demonstrate a caring attitude towards anyone working in or visiting facilities, farms, driving on the road or travelling for Skretting. We follow health and safety regulations and standards. We manage risks well and constantly review and improve our performance and management systems. We also report and investigate all incidents and unsafe situations without fear of punishment.

Registered Injuries and Fatality in Skretting Norway operations

2023 2022 2021 2020
Serious Injuries and Fatality (SIF)  0 0 0 0
Potential Serious Injuries and Fatality (PSIF)* 45 25 9 7
Total Recordable Cases (TRC), meaning any injury beyond first aid 6 6 6 7

* Nutreco has included more incidents that are categorized as Potential Serious Injuries and Fatality (PSIF), plus we have been better to report such incidents thanks to a new reporting app that makes it easier to report an incident immediately. This is the main reason for the increase in PSIF from 2021 to 2023, and it shows that we need to keep up our continuous safety work in order to prevent potential incidents to cause actual serious injuries or fatality.

The following principles apply to support our ambitions and values:

  • We demonstrate the right leadership behaviours and guide and inspire employees and contractors to ensure a safe working environment.
  • We benchmark, set clear objectives, address the root causes of unsafe situations, monitor performance, communicate our expectations and reward positive contributions.
  • We do not tolerate gross negligence, destructive acts and failure to report.

  • We trust and engage our people.
  • We respect and follow the Life Saving Rules and STOP a task if it looks or feels unsafe.
  • We report and investigate all incidents and unsafe situations without fear of punishment.

  • We identify potential hazards and unsafe behaviour through regular inspections and audits and follow-up with corrective actions.
  • We promote a continuously learning organisation, by working together, reporting unsafe situations, sharing experiences and good practices.
  • We take action, speak up and listen respectfully.

  • We provide adequate training so that everyone has the competency to perform their work safely.
  • We ensure that everyone has the right equipment to carry out their tasks safely.

  • We constantly seek innovative solutions to improve health, safety, security and the environment.

More from the footprint report 2023

Contents of our fish feed
Use of vegetable raw materials
Use of marine raw materials
Emissions of CO2eq and other environmental footprints
Health and safety
Certificates and initiatives