Skretting sustainability report 2020

Our migration towards a more sustainable future

Transparency and trust

Changing consumer demands, easier and faster access to information are driving forces towards more transparency. Companies from varied sectors are under constant pressure from stakeholders to be more open about what they do, and in the food industry this means that we’re facing more demand for information about ingredients, food fraud, animal welfare, human rights and child labour, to name some. Today’s consumers are not only concerned about where products come from, but the conditions in which they were produced.

The latest FAO’s State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture and the United Nations Global Compact’s Ocean Stewardship 2030 reports state that sustainable seafood production depends on industry transparency to prevent negative environmental and social impacts. At the same time, they point out that strengthening trust among the different players in the value chain is an important challenge to be addressed.

This background helps to explain why we have defined transparency and trust as a new pillar for Skretting. Not only does it allow us to be more straightforward on what we stand for and what we contribute with to the seafood value chain. It also helps us to simplify the message with regards to what we do in sustainability and feed to food quality and safety through Nuterra and Nutrace, the two strong internal programmes that are the foundations to build a concrete position as a transparent and trustworthy company.

In addition to showing that we have our own house in order and that we do business with integrity, being transparent also helps us to reduce reputational risk and to create trust in Skretting as the leading partner in driving the journey towards a more sustainable industry, as stated in our previous Sustainability Report. Moreover, we see that our commitment to transparency and trust also help us to attract and retain the talented people who are keen to work for a responsible company that cares about making a positive environmental and social impact.

Being transparent also helps us to reduce reputational risk and to create trust in Skretting as the leading partner in driving the journey towards a more sustainable industry.

Achievements in 2020

Driven by our commitment to make the life of our customers easier, 2020 proved that nothing is impossible as long as we are able to adapt to the realities of our business, while we stay focused on our goals. Hence, we were able to innovate by sharing best practices within the divisions in order to bring quality and safety to a next level, making our processes more solid and efficient through common systems to reduce risks and stay compliant. 

Together with Nutreco and Trouw Nutrition, in 2020 we founded the Nutreco Quality Committee to secure harmonisation and best practice implementation within the company. This work allowed us to revise and update our Nutrace standard, which now includes an even clearer compliance criteria. At the same time, we were able to execute trainings for our teams in different areas like business continuity planning, complaint handling, monitoring of undesirable substances, HACCP, product technology, tracking & tracing and ingredient assessment.

We also launched a new Nutreco non-conformity model where we can work with improved documentation and we included sustainability in 75% of the global supplier audits in Skretting. In addition, we recertified some of our plants with our Nutrace standard according to plan. We learnt how to do this remotely, keeping the consistency that our internal operations and our customers demand.

An important learning for our teams was to get closer to the needs of our customers, by listening to how they deal with their challenges in order to co-create solutions that help them to achieve their goals. By doing this we validated how important traceability is and therefore we have put a stronger focus to improve our systems and provide documentation and analytical results when needed. We believe that this collaboration helped us to keep positioning Skretting as transparent and trustworthy partner.