Skretting sustainability report 2020

Our migration towards a more sustainable future

Roadmap 2025

Skretting’s sustainability ambition reached an important milestone in 2020 with the development of the new RoadMap 2025. Built under the guidance of our parent company, Nutreco, and aiming to contribute to the SDGs, RoadMap 2025 is the result of a process that started in 2018 with a materiality assessment and involved the participation of close to 300 internal and external stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, NGOs and internal staff that were instrumental to identify the most relevant environmental, social and economic impacts relevant to our position in the value chain.  

In RoadMap 2025 we have defined the material issues in which we believe we have an opportunity to distinguish ourselves, as they go beyond the standard practises that provide a license to operate to global companies in the food value chain. Thus, our new five-year strategy sets out renewed and measurable targets for the three sustainability pillars that will guide our work (Health & welfare; Climate & circularity; Good citizenship), with a clear focus on the areas in which we can contribute to make a difference in all of our operations, as well as other soft targets that will also be followed up in our journey.  

RoadMap 2025 graphic

Health and welfare

Health and welfare are at the core of everything we do as a company is an area where we can make a big difference, in partnership with our customers and other stakeholders in the value chain. Helping to make sure that animals are raised with optimal nutrition and good welfare is essential to achieve our mission of ‘Feeding the Future’ and can even have a significant impact on human health. We have committed to step up and assume responsibility for our position in the value chain by offering nutritional solutions that allow protein farmers to reduce their dependency on antibiotic usage. 

Climate and circularity

People worldwide are becoming more aware of the environmental impacts of food production and their own dietary choices. According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), global feed production represents 45% of the carbon footprint of livestock products. The most significant part of our environmental impact is in the supply-side of our business model and activities and we believe we can reduce our environmental impact by working together with partners at every stage of the value chain.  

In addition, through Nutreco, we have committed to setting Science-Based Targets in scopes 1, 2 & 3, and thus to reduce our overall carbon footprint. The approval of these targets was published in Q1 2021. 

Good citizenship

As a responsible company, we want to be a good citizen and have a positive impact on our main stakeholder groups. This includes doing business with respect for the rights of everyone impacted by our operations. It means providing a working environment where our employees feel safe, welcome and able to develop in their careers. And it involves working together in our communities towards a better way of life for everyone. 

Main topics covered in RoadMap 2025

Health & welfare
Focus area:

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

We do this by:

Innovating leading to new products and services that will directly reduce dependency on antibiotic usage in animal husbandry and adopting five step targets that will significantly reduce antibiotic usage by creating business opportunities for customers.

Soft targets:

Animal welfare

Summary of targets:
  • No prophylactic use of antibiotics in feed 
  • No use of antibiotics for growth or use of coccidiostat 
  • No use of listed “critically important for human health” antibiotics 
Climate & circularity

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions

We do this by:

Adopting Science-Based Target methodology setting emission reduction targets by energy efficiency programs and sustainable sourcing of ingredients incorporating lifecycle assessment (LCA) methodology and utilisation of novel ingredients. Addressing responsible use of natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystems in compound feed ingredients.

Soft targets:
  • Packaging
  • Water
  • Waste
Summary of targets:
  • Science Based Targets towards 2030 
  • LCA + sustainability filter in innovation 
  • 100% deforestation-free 
  • 100% of marine ingredients are certified 
  • 5 - 10% ingredients are novel*
  • 100% recycled, reusable or compostable packaging 
  • 0% coal and oil by 2030
  • 0% waste to landfill 
Good citizenship

Diversity & inclusion

We do this by:

Addressing diversity and inclusion in staff. In addition, empowering local communities to raise themselves out of extreme poverty by farming sustainably with best practices technology to purpose.

Soft targets:

Stakeholder engagement

Addressed by other departments:
  • Employee development
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Human and labour rights
Summary of targets:
  • Expand community development and Community engagement initiatives to touch the lives of 12,000 people 
  • Ratings + audits of high-risk suppliers
  • 25% women in senior management (30% in Skretting)

*Novel ingredients are defined as unconventional feed ingredients from plant, animal and inorganic origins (not traditionally used by feed manufacturers), where after extensive R&D work and volume scale up, can be used as suitable alternatives for conventional ingredients in commercially relevant quantities. 

Sea farm

To measure the progress in our targets, at the end of 2020, our Nutreco Sustainability Platform launched its new online RoadMap 2025 Progress Assessment tool, which enables all OpCo General Managers and division Functional Directors to respond to specific questions related to the completion or partial completion of the targets.

This first exercise in the Progress Assessment tool was a “practice run” to identify potential areas of improvement and to establish baseline data to mark our starting point as we complete our targets and goals through December 2025.
Results of this first practice run will be analysed in the first half of 2021 and a scoring system developed to be able to score and monitor progress in 2021 and for the next five years.