Skretting sustainability report 2020

Our migration towards a more sustainable future

SeaBOS commits to time-bound, measurable sustainability goals

Skretting is a founding member of the unique science-industry initiative Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship (SeaBOS), which represents 10 of the world’s largest seafood companies and accounts for over 10% of seafood production globally. All of these member companies are aligned in the mission to lead a global transformation towards sustainable seafood production and a healthy ocean.

In 2020, and following four years of dialogue, SeaBOS committed to a set of time-bound and measurable goals that will ensure the seafood industry becomes more sustainable. In line with the original commitments from 2016, the CEOs of its membership agreed to achieve the following by the end of 2021: 

SeaBOS goals

Eliminate IUU fishing and forced, bonded and child labour in their operations; and implement measures to address those issues in their supply chains, with public reporting on progress in 2022 and 2025

Extend the collaboration with the Global Ghost Gear Initiative to solve the problem of lost and abandoned fishing gear; and combine to clean up plastics pollution from our coasts and waterways

Agree on a strategy for reducing impacts on endangered species and the use of antibiotics

Set CO2 emissions reduction goals and reporting approaches from each company

These goals will guide SeaBOS activities over the coming years, and are accompanied by toolkits for action.

SeaBOS members also recognised the significant impact that climate change is having on seafood production, and affirmed that they have a role to play in addressing this challenge – through individual emission reductions targets and also as advocates for the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

They further acknowledged the need for government regulations to support sustainable fisheries and aquaculture management, to effectively mitigate climate change risks and impacts, and to provide for “climate smart” seafood production.

SeaBOS’s work also reflects and supports the recently-launched ocean action agenda set by the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, a unique initiative by 14 world leaders who are building momentum for a sustainable ocean economy, which commits to sustainable management of 100% of their national waters.


Alongside Skretting/Nutreco, SeaBOS members comprise:

  • Maruha Nichiro Corporation 
  • Nissui
  • Thai Union
  • Mowi
  • Dongwon Industries
  • Cermaq
  • Cargill Aqua Nutrition
  • CP Foods
  • Kyokuyo

Key scientific partners include:

  • The Stockholm Resilience Centre supported by he Beijer Institute for Ecological Economics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Science
  • University of Lancaster and Stanford Centre for Ocean Solutions, with the scientific work funded by the Walton Family Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Our CEO, Therese Log Bergjord, took on the role of Chair of SeaBOS in 2020. 

“The bold commitment made by the CEOs of all SeaBOS members is a major step forward. It will likely inspire action across the seafood industry – among SeaBOS companies, throughout their supply chains, and beyond. It will be hard, but necessary work, and my colleagues and I are looking forward to developing the science that can support making them a reality.

I am also keen to work with the monitoring of progress and learning from the process of advancing ocean stewardship.” Henrik Österblom, project leader and Deputy Science Director at Stockholm Resilience Centre 

The bold commitment made by the CEOs of all SeaBOS members is a major step forward.
Henrik Österblom, project leader and Deputy Science Director at Stockholm Resilience Centre