Skretting sustainability report 2020

Our migration towards a more sustainable future

Skretting Nigeria staff with Therese Log Bergjord

Committed people for a committed company

One of the cornerstones of RoadMap 2025 is to employ talented and passionate professionals. At Skretting, we want committed employees; people who are proud to work for the global leader in aquaculture nutrition, because these are the most important ambassadors of our brand and our global purpose of ‘Feeding the Future’.

about our commitment

Increasing our commitment to communities in an unprecedented year

Throughout 2020, our local teams were heavily focused on supporting their communities through COVID-19. In addition to initiatives focused directly on supporting clients, our team at Skretting Ecuador helped over 10,000 families during 2020. Those families were affected not only by COVID-19, but also by the economic downturn Ecuador is facing. Skretting Ecuador joined the government of Guayas and other private companies to implement disinfection tunnels in markets, hospitals and areas with the highest number of citizens aimed at mitigating contagions.

about our initiatives

Ecuador staff
Female worker in Egypt

Training women and young people in Egypt

At Skretting, we recognise the importance of supporting people in the early stages of their career, and ensuring that they are given every opportunity to thrive within our organisation. As part of our strategy to find and nurture emerging talent, we are committed to providing challenging opportunities and a framework to guide career growth for individuals in all of the regions and communities that we operate in.

Abpout the training programme

Code of Conduct for Business Partners

In 2020, we developed a new Code of Conduct for Business Partners, with separate supplements for suppliers of agricultural products and marine products. Translated into seven languages, it will help Nutreco and Skretting to engage with our business partners on sustainability, compliance and integrity issues, and we will only conduct business with companies or individuals that comply with the standards set out in this Code of Conduct.

about the code of conduct

Nigeria catfish project

Continuing community development with Nigerian catfish farmers

Since 2015, as part of the “creating shared value” concept adopted by Skretting and parent company Nutreco to engage with small-scale, marginalised farmers in the communities that we are present, we have been managing a project in Ibadan, Nigeria, aimed at generating opportunities through sustainable aquaculture.

About the Nigeria catfish project