Signing the UN Global Compact on sustainable oceans
In October 2019, Skretting became an early signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, Sustainable Ocean Principles, calling on companies around the world to commit to securing healthy and productive oceans. By signing up to the compact’s nine core principles, we are committed to taking action to prevent pollution, to manage our use of marine resources to ensure long-term sustainability, and to be transparent in our ocean-related activities and impacts.
Parent company Nutreco has been a member of the UN Global Compact since 2015.
Our endeavours and ambitions – many of which encompass collaborative, multi-stakeholder undertakings – have also been recognised by the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA). In WBA’s new annual Seafood Stewardship Index, Skretting was ranked as one of the top companies in its list of the 30 most influential seafood businesses, based on the commitment, transparency and performance to meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
To drive further innovation in our industry and to ensure the world’s growing population has easy access to more sustainable, healthier and safer seafood, we will strive to identify new key action areas and align those closely together with customers, suppliers and partners.