News and stories

Skretting adds cutting edge technologies to R&D facilities
Skretting's new facility, called The Bubble, will accelerate technological innovation at Skretting Aquaculture Research Centre (ARC), supported by a dedicated team of expert scientists

New marine broodstock diet from Skretting responding to hatchery needs
Launching globally in the coming months, Vitalis PRIMA is a new marine broodstock diet from Skretting that supports the health of parent fish and young fry, thereby improving the performance of hatchery systems globally.

Skretting to test NovoNutrients novel protein ingredients
NovoNutrients, a Silicon Valley based innovator making protein through carbon capture and utilisation, has been selected to test at Skretting’s Aquaculture Research Centre facilities, bringing ever closer their shared objective of removing barriers to sustainably fed, affordable food by 2025.

AquaVision 2020: Tune in, engage, build for a better future

Private sector companies need to play a greater ethical role says leading sustainability expert at COP25

Skretting commits USD 2 million in 2020 to develop alternative ingredients for aquaculture feed