Skretting sustainability report 2020

Our migration towards a more sustainable future

Improving our own operations

As a global leader in the supply of fish and shrimp feeds, Skretting contributes to the aquaculture industry’s sustainable progress through the provision of feeds that have been formulated from responsibly sourced raw materials. An equally important part of this commitment is to ensure that our own house is in order when it comes to the production of these feeds, and this responsibility drives our focus areas of reducing energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, waste and water use across our operations globally. Skretting production (Scope 1) contributes approximately 5% of the carbon footprint of feed.

A core objective in global operations is to support local operations as they build high levels of competence among the people operating our plants. Through this competence, and with high levels of participation in global projects, we fully expect to achieve our operational targets and be world leaders in fish and shrimp feed production. Skretting has always maintained strong collaborative global networks, working across many different disciplines. Local teams have faced many common challenges, and this has promoted a high level of sharing and listening at all levels.

Our footprint is always evolving, with new production facilities under construction, closures or plant extensions underway in most regions. We continually monitor and report four key environmental KPIs, the data quality of which is continuously improved by having a third party taking a critical look at our reporting process. Two of the largest global projects in 2020 were energy reduction and KPI measurement.

Our local teams have many projects focused on energy reduction. Successful projects are presented globally and, where appropriate, taken up by other plants so that they too can benefit from them. To-date, the largest energy saving gains have been made in the areas of steam boiler efficiency, dryer operation, and heat recovery solutions. Projects in these areas are having the largest impact on production kWh per tonne. Below is an example showing gas reduction in Skretting Spain over the last three years.

Steam boilers Aqua (Kwh Natural Gas / m3 Steam)

Steam boilers Aqua (Kwh Natural Gas / m3 Steam)

In addition, CO2 emissions have been radically reduced in some operations. Globally, Skretting last year achieved a reduction of CO2e of 7.5% from 2019 values. Some of these reductions were due to overall energy reductions, but the main driver of this decrease was the sourcing of greener energy.

Shown below are the results from those Skretting plants that made the largest contribution to the total reduction.

2020 CO2e results compared to 2019 – percent change in CO2e/tonne

2020 CO2e results compared to 2019 – percent change in CO2e/tonne

This is a trend that we expect to continue as better options become available in the market and new energy contracts are negotiated. A key target in the coming years is to continue the yearly reduction of 2% energy consumption per tonne, while in the longer-term, we will look to make a 30% reduction in our CO2 emissions by 2030 in Scopes 1 & 2 (from 2018 baseline data).

Production KPI measurement

In 2020, Skretting launched a project to get 100% compliance to global production KPI reporting. Our goal is for our operations to have a standardised and documented way of working, with programmes put in place to facilitate continuous improvement. The first step is to ensure the accuracy of our data, and already we have been successful in getting all of our plants reporting these production KPIs in the same way every month. This data will now be used to further drive improvements to reduce waste and save energy.

At the same time, Skretting’s global and local teams will continue to work closely together on innovations and improvements that will help us achieve our production goals – a challenge that is large in scope but equally exciting.

Kwh per tonne

In total, we had a 6% increase in energy consumption in 2020 compared to 2019. In the longer term this will lead to an increase in overall energy efficiency. There are also examples of factories that have reduced their energy use with a large focus on process and maintenance. As part of our commitment to Science Based Targets, we will focus on achieving better energy efficiency going forward.

GHG emissions
Kilograms CO2 e per tonne

In 2020, we were able to significantly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. This is mainly a result of that there has been shift to using more green energy in Ecuador, Spain and Chile. Some of our factories have also had GHG reduction coming from energy-saving projects. We are very pleased to see that increased awareness about our GHG emissions has led to significant reductions and we are already delivering on our commitment to Science Based Targets.

Water withdrawal
Litres per tonne

In 2020, we registered an increase in water withdrawal of 5%. Overall, we see a very mixed picture where some factories have been able to make significant reductions while other have had an increase. We will work to share best practice in this field so we can stop the trend of increase in water withdrawal.

Waste generation
Kilograms per tonne

The amount of waste produced each year is impacted by many factors, for example construction work at the factories or construction of new facilities. Additional activities such as having silos emptied and cleaned at regular intervals can also have big impacts on waste reporting. During 2020, we concluded that focusing on total waste generated is not satisfactory as a guiding KPI. Going forward we will focus on non-hazardous waste to landfill. Our Sustainability RoadMap has a goal that by 2025 50% of waste will be recycled and we send less than 15% of non-hazardous waste to landfill. By 2030 60% of waste will be recycled and we will send zero non-hazardous waste to landfill.

In this section

Cloudy sky
The carbon footprint of feed
Feed bags
Improving our own operations
Feed4Future visual
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