Fish farm in the lake

Feed for aquaculture

Innovative solutions for your species

Skretting has consistently developed innovative products and solutions that, over time, have evolved into production standards. Skretting feeds wholly meet the nutritional requirements of fish and shrimp throughout their lifecycle. Below, you can find a selection of our global product portfolio.

9 solutions found

Catfish Broodstock Feed

Broodstock nutrition has a profound influence on the quantity, quality and performance of the offspring. Feeding Superior Repro ensures that eggs produced will contain sufficient energy to aid transition from endogenous to exogenous feeding in the catfish larvae.

Catfish Broodstock Feed is a floating diet especially designed for catfish breeders. The diet is formulated according to the Protec principles.

Catfish Essential

Essential is a catfish grower diet for normal farming conditions.

Essential consists of the same good quality raw materials as the other Skretting catfish grower diets. Essential is formulated to maximise protein efficiency as larger fish require lower protein levels for growth than smaller fish.

Feeding essential is easy and the experience from the market is that fish will have good growth and good FCR.

Catfish Fish Starter

Fish Starter is an excellent product to support a smooth transition between the high protein and fat levels of Gemma Wean and the catfish grower diets that are lower in protein and fat.

The product can be used when fry reach 0.3g. In this period fry are often transferred from small tanks to bigger tanks, to small ponds or to hapas in big ponds. Because these events are stressful, especially to younger fish, it is important to feed a diets that focuses on high survival and excellent growth.

Gradually changing to other life stage diets will minimise the risk of sudden feed intake reduction, supporting optimal fish growth, health and high survival rates.

Fish Starter 1.8mm is a floating micropellet that will train the fry to start feeding on floating feeds during the grower stage, Fish Starter is formulated according to the Protec principles.

Catfish Pelletized

Some farmers may favour traditional sinking diets as a result of their specific farming system. It is common to use these diets towards the end of the production cycle.

The pelletised diets can be fed to fish from 120g onwards.

Feeding pelletized feeds will lead to good growth rates but reaching target weights will take longer than when feeding Skretting’s extruded diets.

Pelletised diets show best performance in flow through systems with a high water renewal rate.

Catfish Superior

Currently the most popular grower feed for African catfish in Nigeria and other African countries is Skretting’s ‘Superior’ feed for catfish. Superior is a catfish grower diet for optimal farming conditions.

Extruded pellets are heated to much higher temperatures than pelleted feeds. High temperatures cause starch to gelatinise, creating a strong and water stable pellet.

The porous structure lowers the pellet density, allowing it to float. Another advantages of these pores is that the pellets can absorb more fat, making Superior the highest energy diet.

Gemma Wean

When catfish eggs hatch, the larvae rely on the yolk sac to provide the nutritional needs before they begin feeding. The larvae are vulnerable to starvation and need to feed continuously during this period.

In nature, there isn’t always a constant supply of feed and many fry will die during this first stage of life. Traditionally, in hatcheries, larvae of African catfish have been offered natural food organisms and Artemia was often the
most common choice. However, good Artemia is getting scarce and not always available in sufficient quantities and quality in Africa.

With the arrival of new generation larval diet such Gemma Wean, this has changed. Feeding this high quality starter diet provides all fry with an equal opportunity to feed, ensuring a very high survival rate.

Skretting’s Gemma Wean is a complete substitute for live feeds in hatcheries. When feeding a sophisticated manufactured feed, hatcheries are not only less dependent on live feed, but also exposed to less risk of pathogen transmission via live feed sources.


When tilapia eggs hatch, the larvae rely on the yolk sac to provide the nutritional needs before they begin feeding. The larvae are vulnerable to starvation and need to feed continuously during this period. In nature, there isn’t always a constant supply of feed and many fry will die during this first stage of life.

In hatcheries however, sufficient amounts of high quality starter feeds can be continuously supplied. Feed production techniques allow us to produce feeds with properties that fit specific life stage needs. The slow sinking Nutra crumbles give all fry an equal opportunity to feed.

Nutra micropellet technology ensures uniform particle sizes that float, for easy capture by fingerlings, ensuring a very high survival rate and uniform growth.

In these specialised feeds, both the digestible protein and digestible energy are adjusted according to fish size. As body size increases, the percentage of digestible protein needed for optimal growth decreases along with it.


Optiline provides state-of-the-art nutrition; allowing for high fish performance, highest feed efficiency and lowest FCR.

Feed formulation of Optiline ensures an optimised digestible nutrient, digestible energy and raw material digestibility specifically designed for the digestive system of tilapia. This is to ensure flexible raw material use and provide a consistent quality product.

In addition, when feeding Optiline there will be lower nutrient discharge and lowerimpact on fish environment.

Optiline is formulated to maximise protein efficiency for the different fish sizes and up to 1 kg of fish weight.


Tilapia is a grower diet range for optimal farming conditions. It is floating, available in 3 pellet sizes and formulated according to AminoBalance, LipoBalance and MicroBalance principles.

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