Sustainability Report 2022 cover graphic Sustainability Report 2022 cover graphic

Skretting Sustainability Report 2022

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Sustainability report 2022

Skretting has a longstanding commitment to reporting progress on our sustainability journey. We have been issuing sustainability reports since 1999. Our first reports were compiled by Skretting Norway, and since 2013, we have also been reporting on our global business activities. Our sustainability initiatives are closely linked to our business operations and priorities. 

What does Skretting do? We make feed for aquaculture, all over the world. The most important species we make feed for include Atlantic salmon, shrimp, sea bass, sea bream and tilapia. We are part of a complex value chain, which we have briefly summarised here.

Our role in the value chain

1. Primary producers

Agricultural crops, land farming and wild fisheries are directly and indirectly used for food, feed and energy. If not managed properly, primary producers of feed ingredients can contribute to a loss of biodiversity, climate change and human rights violations. We have been actively working on eliminating deforestation in our supply chain and setting up a reduction strategy for scope 3 GHG emissions caused to a significant extent by the production of primary raw materials.

2. Feed ingredient manufacturers

Raw materials are processed into ingredients that can be made into fish and shrimp feed. Feed ingredients are selected for the nutrients they provide, the absence of anti-nutritional or undesirable substances, economics, and sustainability credentials. Despite the challenge of finding the right balance between price and quality, we have been working on increasing our novel ingredient use and innovative feed additives.

3. Skretting

Skretting converts ingredients into innovative fish and shrimp feeds. Our operations are built upon a solid foundation of people provided with good and safe working conditions.

4. Farmers

Farmers feed their fish and shrimp with high quality, nutritious food. Aquaculture performance is determined by animal health, nutrition and farm management. We actively launch initiatives to stimulate a more responsible use of antibiotics and developing on-farm environmental footprint tools.

5 Food distributors and retailers

Food distributors have an important role to play in promoting and advancing sustainable consumption and production of seafood. We have been actively working on collaborations with these stakeholders to bring more sustainable seafood to the market.

6. Consumers

People purchase and eat high quality, safe and nutritious seafood products.