Lactococcosis in marine species

A challenge to face with shared strategies
Marine aquaculture is facing new challenges as a result of climate change. Among these is the emergence of new diseases such as Lactococcosis, which requires a proactive and integrated approach, combining various tools to protect fish health. Complex situations require multifaceted solutions that include different elements working in synergy. To help farmers tackle this challenge, the National Reference Center for the Study and Diagnosis of Fish, Mollusk, and Crustacean Diseases, together with the Italian Fish Farmers Association and with the support of Skretting, has launched a project called "Stop Lactococcosis? Together We Can!", which includes a series of workshops scheduled in Piombino between October 2024 and February 2025. These workshops will address, through discussions among farmers, researchers, feed manufacturers, and pharmaceutical companies, topics such as vaccination, therapy, biosecurity, nutrition, and genetics. The final goal is to draft a shared Good Practices Manual that will contribute to the actions already initiated by farmers and health authorities on the topic.
Lactococcosis, caused by a bacterium that is fortunately harmless to humans, has made an unexpected species jump: from Rainbow trout to bass and sea bream. To better understand the evolution of the disease and, above all, to prevent it with a sustainable approach, direct dialogue between producers, competent veterinary services, and researchers is essential.
The new challenges facing aquaculture, such as Lactococcosis, remind us of the importance of addressing issues in a structured and collaborative way. There are no simple solutions to complex problems, but we believe that collaboration among all industry stakeholders is key to building a stronger future for aquaculture. Skretting has always been alongside fish farmers, not only with our technical support but also by promoting dialogue and the exchange of experiences to find the best shared strategies for fish health and the sustainability of the industry.