YouSea is a non-profit institution whose mission is to conserve marine biodiversity through concrete projects such as the Piran Sea Oasis.
Skretting Italy supports the Piran Sea Oasis!

YouSea is a non-profit institution whose mission is to conserve marine biodiversity through concrete projects such as the Piran Sea Oasis.
"We decided to support this project driven by the urgency to act to preserve the sea and its biodiversity. Skretting Italia is strongly committed to sustainability" says Umberto Luzzana, Marketing Manager of Skretting Italia, "and so it was a natural choice to contribute by providing correct information on aquaculture, too often the subject of fake news, and by translating the "Acqua in Bocca!" Communication Kit into Slovenian."
At YouSea, we believe that the development of sustainable aquaculture is crucial for the conservation of marine biodiversity.
Irene Fonda then says 'We are convinced that communication and public education are crucial in the process of changing our behavioural, eating and purchasing habits. Therefore, we think that the practical guide "Acqua in Bocca! - Everything you still don't know about aquaculture and farmed fish', now also in Slovenian, is a step in the right direction."