- Skretting launches new starter for rainbow trout to help farms to meet their full potential
- Based on tailored trout nutrition research, the feeds support consistent and elevated performance
Setting your fish up for life: Skretting introduces Nutra Sprint

Nutra Sprint now available for Skretting Italy customers.
Built around Skretting’s expertise, the latest offering provides farmers with solutions that can be better utilised than conventional feeds. Nutra Sprint is a new high performance starter feed that supports first-feeding trout fry.
The best start in life
Early nutrition has a significant impact on later life stage performance. Nutra Sprint contains a unique combination of ingredients that set trout up for life. The building blocks for their future growth and development are provided in this innovative feed, while the immune system of the fish is supported.

“With Nutra Sprint, hatcheries can expect to produce faster-growing, healthy fry in the crucial first-feeding stage. In setting the fish up for life by giving them the best possible start, trout farmers can be confident that the juvenile trout that enter the next phase of on-growing are robust and ready to thrive,” said Bernardo Sumares, Global Product Manager Fresh Water at Skretting.
While significant emphasis was placed on optimising trout growth rates, equal attention was given to Nutra Sprint’s physical properties and its stability in hatchery water systems. Nutra Sprint is produced in such a way that the micro-pellets maintain their form and behave in a stable way, which makes them highly accessible to the young fish, while supporting good water quality.
We are very excited about the long-term benefits that Nutra Sprint innovation will bring for trout farmers throughout the world.
We are very excited about the long-term benefits that this feed innovation will bring for trout farmers throughout the world,” concludes Sissel Susort, Global Business Developer Salmonids. “With Nutra Sprint Skretting is providing a feed offering for trout that is focused on providing value for customers.”