Skretting sustainability report 2020

Our migration towards a more sustainable future

SeaBOS commits to time-bound, measurable sustainability goals

Skretting is a founding member of the unique science-industry initiative Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship (SeaBOS), which represents 10 of the world’s largest seafood companies and accounts for over 10% of seafood production globally. All of these member companies are aligned in the mission to lead a global transformation towards sustainable seafood production and a healthy ocean.

In 2020, and following four years of dialogue, SeaBOS committed to a set of time-bound and measurable goals that will ensure the seafood industry becomes more sustainable. In line with the original commitments from 2016, the CEOs of its membership agreed to achieve the following by the end of 2021: 

SeaBOS goals

In this section

UN Global Compact Sustainable Ocean Principles
SeaBOS commits to time-bound, measurable sustainability goals
Global Salmon Initiative - Achieving goals through industry partnerships