Earth from satellite Earth from satellite

Our sustainability strategy

At Skretting, we are committed to delivering sustainable products and services. That begins with sustainable sourcing and is focused on achieving the best results towards animal health and farm productivity. This is part of our overall commitment to good citizenship towards all our stakeholders, and especially our employees, the communities where we operate, and the developing world.

In 2012 we defined our sustainability strategy to 2020. Now that we are reaching its conclusion, we look to the future and ensure our sustainability ambitions remain aligned with our overall strategy and ambitions, and a changing planet. 

Nutreco Roadmap 2025 graphic

Roadmap 2025

As part of our process, we conducted a materiality assessment which resulted in three strategic pillars. The core of our sustainability focus is embedded in nutrition and welfare, much like our business itself. This is followed by respect for climate and circularity principles. Finally, a responsible company must perform with care for the societies we operate in; we are accountable for our best practices in good citizenship towards our external and internal stakeholders.

Read Nutreco's Roadmap 2025 in full here

Clear targets towards 2025

shrimps in hand
Health and welfare

We will address health and welfare with a focus on reducing Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), and continue to innovate so that we can deliver new products and services that directly minimise dependency on antibiotic usage. We will adopt five-steps targets that will significantly reduce antibiotic usage by creating business opportunities for our customers.

Climate and circularity

We will address climate and circularity with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This will be achieved through adopting Science-Based Target (SBT) methodology, sourcing sustainable ingredients by incorporating life-cycle assessment (LCA) methodology and utilising novel ingredients. We will also address responsible use of natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystems in compound feed ingredients.

Skretting Aquaforum
Good citizenship

We will be even better citizens through our focus on diversity, inclusion and empowering our employees. We will work to empower local communities by providing educational and technological tools and services that enable best practice farming in a sustainable way.