Revolutionising Shrimp farming with Skretting 360+

Shrimp farming has evolved over the years, and with more advancements in technology, the industry has witnessed a significant transformation. One of the key innovations contributing to the efficiency and sustainability of shrimp farming is the integration of automatic feeders. These devices have proven to be instrumental in optimizing feeding practices, improving shrimp growth, and ensuring good water quality.

Precision Feeding - Optimal Shrimp Growth 

Precision feeding ensures that every shrimp will get the right amount of feed. This concept holds for shrimps as well. Automatic feeders ensure that shrimps receive the right amount of feed at the right time. These systems facilitate dispensing of small quantities of feed at regular intervals, leading to optimal growth, health, efficient resource utilization and overall enhanced productivity in aquaculture.

Optimized Feed Conversion - Maximizing Profit Margins

Efficient feed conversion is essential for the economic viability of shrimp farming. Automatic feeders dispense feed in a controlled manner, preventing overfeeding and ensuring the even feeding for all the shrimps  The ability to adjust feeding schedules based on shrimp behaviour and environmental conditions further enhances feed conversion efficiency.

Better water quality and pond bottom - a stride towards sustainability

By dispensing controlled amounts of feed at scheduled intervals, these devices prevent overfeeding, a common cause of water pollution. Excess uneaten feed can lead to increased ammonia levels and degraded water quality and pond bottom. Automatic feeders contribute to a more precise and regulated feeding process, ensuring that shrimp consume the provided feed efficiently. This not only minimizes waste but also helps prevent the accumulation of harmful substances in the water. As a result, the use of automatic feeders

promotes a healthier aquatic environment, reducing the risk of water-related issues and supporting sustainable shrimp farming practices.

Enhanced Labour Efficiency - Strategic Utilization

Manual feeding can be a time-consuming and labour-intensive task, especially in large-scale shrimp farms. Automatic feeders alleviate the need for constant human supervision, allowing farmworkers to focus on other critical aspects of shrimp farming, such as water quality management, disease control, and overall farm maintenance. This enhanced labour efficiency not only reduces operational costs but also ensures that human resources are utilized more strategically.

Skretting 360+ Automatic Feeder

Skretting 360+ is a service base model it’s a combination of feed and technology that enhances the farmer's profitability

Elements of Skretting 360+
  • Precision Feed 
  • Farm Management 
  • Technical support

Precision feeding    

  • PondMother
  • Feed Management from PondLogs

Farm Management 

  • Farm Management from PondLogs
  • Data Analytics
  • Dedicated team for successful implementation

Technical support

  • On-field support on culture and technology
  • 24x7 remote support
  • Training and change management
  • Proactive monitoring