Pre-Stocking Management in Aquaculture


Proper pre-stocking management is crucial for ensuring the success of aquaculture operations. It involves various steps aimed at preparing the pond environment to support the healthy growth and development of the stocked organisms. From reinforcing pond dykes to eradicating pests and optimizing water quality, each aspect plays a vital role in creating an ideal habitat for the aquatic species. Additionally, stocking management involves careful consideration of stocking densities, timing, and transportation methods to minimize stress on the stocked organisms. This comprehensive approach ensures the establishment of a thriving aquaculture system

  1. Preparation of Strong Pond Dykes
  2. The pond slope should be in a ratio of 2:1 or 3:1.
  3. Dykes should be elevated from the surrounding level to prevent the entry of outside water and fish during the rainy season.
  • Mud from the pond bottom should not be used to construct elevation as it may wash down during heavy showers.
  1. Eradication of Aquatic Plants and Weeds
  2. Eradication can be done by physical methods.
  3. Chemical method: glyphosate 3kg/ha.
  • Biological method: grass carp.
  1. Removal of Predatory Fishes
  2. Physical method: drying, repeated netting.
  3. Plant derivatives method: MOC (saponin) - 2500kg/ha.
  • Chemicals method: bleaching powder - 350kg/ha.
  1. Drying and Ploughing the Bottom Soil
  2. Drying by dewatering or partial removal by pump.
  3. Bottom raking is done.
  • Shells, stones, bricks, plastic, etc., must be removed.
  1. Either MOC - 2500kg/ha or bleaching powder - 350kg/ha or a mixture of urea - 100kg/ha + bleaching powder - 175kg/ha is used.
  2. Soil Correction (pH)
  3. By adding lime, depending upon the soil type.
  4. Raising Water Level
  5. Water should be filled up to 1m to 1.5 meters.
  6. If mahua + lime is used, water should be kept for 2-3 weeks.
  • Bleaching powder - 1 week.
  1. Urea + bleaching powder - 1 week.
  2. Fertilization
  3. GNOC method: Dusted GNOC is spread over the pond.
  4. MOC method: MOC mixed with water, kept overnight, and spread over the pond.
  • Cow dung and other organic fertilizers: Cow dung stacked in all corners.
  1. SSP: SSP diluted in water as much as possible and spread over the pond.

Two types of fertilization:

Basal fertilization

  • GNOC/MOC - 175kg/ha.
  • Cow dung - 50kg/ha.
  • SSP - 12.5kg/ha.

Intermittent fertilization

  • GNOC/MOC - 350kg/ha.
  • Cow dung - 100kg/ha.
  • SSP - 25kg/ha.

Eradication of Aquatic Insects

  1. Preparation of emulsion (vegetable oil - 561/ha and soap - 18kg/ha).
  2. Application 1-2 days before stocking.

In conclusion, effective pre-stocking management is essential for setting the stage for successful aquaculture operations. By following proper procedures such as reinforcing pond dykes, eradicating pests, correcting soil pH, and optimizing water quality, aquaculturists can create an environment conducive to the growth and development of stocked organisms. Furthermore, meticulous stocking management practices, including careful timing, transportation, and release of seed, further contribute to the overall success of the operation. By prioritizing these aspects of management, aquaculturists can maximize productivity and sustainability while minimizing potential risks and challenges.