Pond Preparation for Shrimp Farming 

In the realm of shrimp farming, proper pond preparation sets the stage for success. Whether you're opting for a dry method, navigating the challenges of a wet approach, or investing in lined ponds, each method demands attention to detail and strategic execution. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of pond preparation, offering insights into each method's nuances and best practices.

  • Dry Method - To dry the pond completely and do earthen work with the help of machinery, Prefer only the dry method if you are planning for high-density shrimp farming.
  • Wet Method - The ponds have heavy seepage or during the rainy season shrimp ponds cannot be completely drained, they will usually be cleaned using a wet method. This method is carried out by spraying high-pressure air to remove waste from the previous cultivation cycle.
  • Lined Ponds -Drying and washing is highly recommended. Remove any attached foreign particles from the sheets prior to wash

Dry Method: Harnessing Efficiency for High-Density Shrimp Farming

The dry method stands as the pinnacle of efficiency for those aiming for high-density shrimp farming. By meticulously following a series of steps, you pave the way for optimal conditions conducive to shrimp growth and development. Here's a breakdown of the process:

  1. Dry Till Crack Formation: Embrace the transformative power of time as you allow the pond to dry completely, fostering crack formation that signals readiness for the next phase.
  2. Plough the Pond Bottom: Bid farewell to sludge and welcome sun exposure by ploughing the pond bottom, clearing the path for enhanced soil quality.
  3. Soil Enrichment: Elevate soil health through strategic fertilization and liming, with lime application at a rate of 6 MT per Ha, followed by thorough wet spraying.
  4. Mineral Balance Enhancement: Strike the perfect mineral balance by enriching the soil with 40 Kg per ha, ensuring a nutrient-rich environment for thriving shrimp populations.
  5. Racking and Compaction: Facilitate proper mixing and compacting of the pond bottom, optimizing feeding areas for maximum efficiency.
  6. Bio-Security Measures: Implement stringent bio-security measures to safeguard against potential threats, ensuring the health and well-being of your shrimp stocks.

Wet Method: Efficiency in Action

When circumstances dictate the impossibility of complete pond drainage, the wet method emerges as a beacon of efficiency. By harnessing high-pressure air, waste from previous cultivation cycles is swiftly eradicated, paving the way for a streamlined preparation process. Here's what you need to know:

  1. High-Pressure Air Spraying: Embrace the power of high-pressure air to dislodge and remove waste, circumventing the need for extensive drying periods.
  2. Time Efficiency: Benefit from the inherent time efficiency of the wet method, as it requires only a fraction of the time compared to its dry counterpart, allowing for swift turnaround between cultivation cycles.
Lined Ponds: A Foundation of Precision

For those opting for lined ponds, meticulous preparation is paramount to long-term success. From soil smoothing to proper liner installation, every step plays a crucial role in ensuring structural integrity and optimal functionality. Here's how to get it right:

  1. Soil Preparation: Lay the groundwork for a flawless pond lining by smoothing and compacting the soil, eliminating any sharp or extraneous materials that could compromise the integrity of the liner.
  2. Liner Installation: Precision is key during the installation of plastic sheets, with careful attention paid to proper fixation and overlap to minimize weak joints.
  3. Ventilation Considerations: Anticipate the need for ventilation pipes in ponds with bottoms below the water level, preventing bubble formation and preserving the integrity of the plastic liner.

Skretting India introduces Aqua Care 3D, a versatile product designed for shrimp pond preparation. This multipurpose solution effectively cleans and disinfects water, equipment, and facilities on the farm. It significantly reduces pathogen levels even in demanding farming environments, thereby promoting the health and survival of shrimp and fish. By enhancing biosecurity measures on the farm, Aqua Care 3D complements probiotics like AquaCare Control, ensuring comprehensive protection for aquatic livestock.