Shrimp Larval Nutrition with Formulated Feeds

Live feeds (Algae and Artemia)

Live feeds are an important basic diet for newly hatched shrimp larvae as they still have an incomplete digestive system and are lacking in enzymes. They are still at a very young stage to generate their own required nutrients or convert them from any pre-cursor obtained from a diet. Live algae and Artemia nauplii pose a high risk with respect to introduction and spread of pathogens.

Formulated Feeds

Larval feeds should originate from trustworthy suppliers that certify the absence of pathogens in the product and raw materials. Successful production of robust post-larvae for stocking in grow-out ponds largely depends on feed quality and the feeding schedule that is applied in the hatchery. The metamorphosis of L. vannamei through larval stages into post-larvae is a complex process, which in the wild is characterized by migration to inshore, brackish estuaries. This shift from pelagic to bottom-dwelling benthic behaviour is accompanied by a change in feeding habits from an herbivorous to an omnivorous diet Growth and development of the digestive system affect digestive capability, mainly due to qualitative and quantitative fluctuations in digestive enzyme production. Larval stages, therefore, differ in nutritional requirements. Feed formulation and feed processing are tailored to the specific needs of each stage 

Features of hatchery feed nutrition

Formulated feeds have a similar composition to microalgae and zooplankton with high levels of essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, pigments like astaxanthin, highly unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol, and lecithin. Good quality feeds use highly digestible raw materials with good nutritional value. Shrimp larvae develop through a series of stages each requiring a different mix of feed type, size, and texture. Their feed intake depends on several factors such as temperature, water quality and growth potential of the strain amongst others. Formulated feed has been developed to meet the needs of shrimp larvae and reduce the need for live feed. Variations in feed quality can also influence the amount of feed required.

Effective feeding Management for Hatchery Diets

A wide range of commercial feeds are available for larval shrimp. Extensive investment in research and development and an understanding of the nutritional requirements are essential in the development of the right feeds and feeding protocols to meet the needs of all stages of larval shrimp. A highly digestible diet formulated with a blend of specific hydrolysed proteins, HUFA, phospholipids, minerals and vitamins is required for a hatchery diet. Skretting feeds like White Tiger shrimp and PL, designed for shrimp from zoea to nursery stages, offer the right nutrition with each microparticle being carefully designed for a stable and nutritious platform. The feeds pave the way for better larval survivability, improved overall shrimp health and management of adverse environmental impacts.

Broodstock diet like Vitalis 2.5 is designed to partially replace the use of moist feeds while at the same time providing the correct level of essential nutrients in a stable form also provides specific nutrition and biosecurity for egg and nauplii production. Its formulation based on a high inclusion of hydrolyzed marine proteins like DHA and EPA supports a high fecundity rate.