Elevate Your Aquaculture Success with Elevia

Achieving success in aquaculture requires more attention to detail, especially during the crucial larval stages. Optimal nutrition plays a pivotal role in ensuring the production of high-quality post-larvae (PL), robustness, faster growth, and superior survival rates. Elevia emerges as a game-changer in larval nutrition, offering a carefully produced, stable, and clean micro diet that delivers perfection in micro nutrition. Let's delve into how Elevia revolutionizes larval nutrition and elevates aquaculture success.

The Power of Elevia in Larval Nutrition

  1. High-Quality PL Production:
    • Elevia ensures the production of high-quality PL with optimal color, uniform size, and enhanced survival rates. Its carefully formulated micro diet provides essential nutrients for robust larval development.
  2. Improved Survival in Challenging Conditions:
    • Elevia equips larvae with enhanced capacity to deal with environmental and pathogenic challenges, leading to improved survival rates in challenging ongrowing conditions. It reduces the risk of disease outbreaks and ensures optimal growth.
  3. Sustainable Marine Protein Source:
    • Elevia utilizes Calanus, a sustainable marine protein source, for optimal nutrition. Its highly effective extraction process maintains the natural bioactive properties intact while reducing biohazards from live food sources.
  4. Cellular Encapsulated DHA for Better Digestibility:
    • Elevia replaces fish oil with cellular encapsulated DHA algae, ensuring better digestibility and utilization of essential oils. This innovative approach prevents oil leakage, reduces foaming, and optimizes water stability in aquaculture tanks.
  5. Simplified Feed Management:
    • Elevia simplifies feed management in hatcheries, offering a clean and stable diet that enhances larval performance. With Elevia, farmers can expect gains in biomass and superior performance throughout the nursery and grow-out phases.

Unlocking Aquaculture Potential with Elevia

  • Elevate Larva Performance:
    • Elevia improves larval performance, simplifies feed management, and ensures a cleaner system in aquaculture operations. Its optimal particle size and diversified marine proteins cater to the unique nutritional needs of each larval stage.
  • Sustainable and Clean Nutrition:
    • Elevia's sustainable marine protein source and cellular encapsulated DHA algae contribute to cleaner and more environmentally friendly aquaculture practices. It reduces dependency on fish oil and promotes efficient nutrient utilization.
  • Expect Superior Results:
    • Elevia is not just a feed; it's a comprehensive solution for optimizing larval nutrition and elevating aquaculture success. With Elevia, farmers can expect superior results, higher survival rates, and increased profitability in their operations.

Elevia revolutionizes larval nutrition in aquaculture, offering a sustainable, clean, and highly effective feed solution for producing high-quality post-larvae. With its carefully formulated micro diet, cellular encapsulated DHA algae, and sustainable marine protein source, Elevia sets a new standard for larval nutrition. By incorporating Elevia into their feeding regimen, aquaculture farmers can unlock the full potential of their operations, achieve superior results, and pave the way for a more sustainable future in aquaculture.