Daily feeding
'Daily feeding' module gives feed recommendation for each production group of a site on a specific day.
This module offers the overview of feed forecast for a period of time. Please note that the feed forecast is based on the updates in the 'Simulation' and 'Actuals' modules.
Select site, unit and time range, and click 'show' button. If not time range is selected, the feed prognosis for the whole production cycle will be shown. It is possible to select more than one site and unit as well as select all sites and units in the company. It is also possible to choose time scale between month and week, and unit of measurement between MT and Kg.
The table shows the amount of feed during the selected period of time per feed type and per week/month, as well as the total amount of feed. To the right, there are two icons to export the table as an Excel sheet and open feed prognosis chart. The chart provides clear overview of the feed amount recommended in the period.