Ocean waves

A global leader in nutritional solutions and services for aquaculture

Our purpose: #FeedingTheFuture

This is Skretting INDONESIA

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Skretting Indonesia Berkolaborasi dengan Phillips Seafoods Indonesia Lanjutkan Konservasi Bakau untuk Budidaya Barramundi Berkelanjutan

Pada Oktober 2024, Skretting Indonesia dengan bangga mengumumkan partisipasinya dalam acara penanaman mangrove yang diselenggarakan hari ini bekerja sama dengan Phillips Seafoods Indonesia. Inisiatif ini merupakan bagian dari komitmen berkelanjutan Skretting untuk mendukung praktik lingkungan yang berkelanjutan dan berkontribusi pada pelestarian ekosistem pesisir Indonesia yang vital.

Peluncuran Elevia di Indonesia seperti Press Conference Juara MotoGP karena bersamaan dengan event MotoGP Mandalika di Indonesia

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AquaCare launch in Indonesia
2/7/2022 Aqua Specialties

Grand Launching AquaCare Mineral Balance in Indonesia

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Fish farmers in Indonesia

Skretting Indonesia and NewSeas sign an MOU to develop the barramundi aquaculture industry in Indonesia.

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Tilberedt torsk

Feed-to-food quality and safety

Our feed to food quality and safety system ensures that our customers and end consumers can have full confidence with regard to our feeds. Skretting combines the latest technology and science with the dedication of our staff to produce the highest quality feed. We do our utmost to ensure that our business operations adhere to our own strict environmental guidelines. 

How we work with quality 

Passionate about research and innovation

At Skretting, we are passionate about innovation. Our ultimate goal is to see the research we conduct implemented into innovative and sustainable solutions for the aquaculture industry.

how we innovate

Lab worker