An illustration of feed pellets in water

A little background and the future of blue food. 

Otherwise known as ‘why Skretting exists. Before we dive into the pellet itself, let’s talk about why we’re here. The global food security challenge is straightforward and well-known: by 2050, the world must feed two billion more people, an increase of a quarter from today’s global population. The demand for food will be 56% greater than it was in 2010. This needs to be achieved with no more land and limited fresh water.

The farming of seafood is one of the most globally important food success stories of recent decades. In terms of output, aquaculture continues to grow faster than any other major food supply sector, and by 2030 it is expected to provide 60% of the seafood that people consume.

At the same time, almost a third of commercial wild fish stocks are now fished at biologically unsustainable levels, triple the level of 1974. With the average person consuming over 20 kilograms of seafood each year, the gap between supply and demand must be met by aquaculture. The pressure is on. So how do we do this in a sustainable way? Growth always comes with challenges, particularly when it comes to sustainability. As you can tell from our sustainability ambitions, we are committed to tackling that challenge head on.