Skretting sustainability report 2020

Our migration towards a more sustainable future

Planetary challenges

We are part of a rapidly changing world. A fast-growing population that is becoming increasingly mobile and urbanised is transforming our planet at an unprecedented rate, and creating significant consumption challenges in the process.

Already, the incremental demand for food, fresh water and energy is putting a strain on some traditional, finite resources, and with the expectation that the global population will surpass 9.1 billion by 2050, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has predicted that current agricultural systems will not be able to supply enough food for everyone.

Meanwhile, the increased human activity is warming the planet. Indeed, 2019 was one of the hottest years on record, and the last decade was the hottest for 150 years. Furthermore, scientists have evidenced that the carbon dioxide level was the highest it had been for millions of years. Not surprisingly, we are seeing the influence of global warming and the climate change all around us – especially in the natural world.

Eventually, rising temperatures and extreme climate shifts could have a significant impact on crop yields and therefore food prices, and this in turn could threaten poorer communities.

With the understanding that we need to be more productive with less resources, we are proudly committed to applying new cost-effective and sustainable technologies to our products.

At the same time, coastal areas will become increasingly susceptible to flooding and erosion as sea levels rise.

As a responsible global business, Skretting recognises that we must continue to innovate to enable the aquaculture industry and seafood supply chains to keep pace with the food demands of the future in the most pro-planet manner possible, including a focus on the protection of endangered species and sensitive ecosystems. With the understanding that we need to be more productive with less resources, we are proudly committed to applying new cost-effective and sustainable technologies to our products.

To further reduce our impact on the natural world, we are also focused on cutting emissions and using energy much more efficiently. Additionally, to generate sufficient momentum to truly benefit society, we are increasingly encouraging and working with others within our supplier and customer networks, and also the broader aquaculture space, to adopt similarly proactive approaches within their own businesses.

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In this section

Earth by night satellite view
Planetary challenges
Choppy sea
Committed to the ocean