UN Global Compact Sustainable Ocean Principles
Skretting, through Nutreco, is member of the United Nations Global Compact programme, which supports companies seeking to conduct their business responsibly through the alignment of their strategies and operations with its Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The UN Global Compact also encourages companies to take strategic actions to advance broader societal goals, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with an emphasis on collaboration and innovation.
The UN Global Compact has a Sustainable Ocean Business Action Platform that convenes leading actors from business, academia and government institutions to determine how ocean industries can advance progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Action Platform has, in consultation with more than 300 stakeholders worldwide, developed the Sustainable Ocean Principles to emphasise the responsibility of businesses to take necessary actions to secure a healthy and productive ocean.
As signatory of these principles, Skretting recognises the urgency and global importance of healthy oceans and a sustainable aquaculture industry, and will take action to promote the wellbeing of the ocean for current and future generations.
Skretting will take action to promote the wellbeing of the ocean for current and future generations.
The Sustainable Ocean Principles provide a framework for responsible business practices across ocean sectors and geographies, serving as a common reference point on ocean sustainability. They build upon and supplement the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, covering ocean health and productivity, governance and engagement, and data and transparency.
The ocean is vital to the wellbeing and prosperity of humankind.
To achieve the world community’s ambitions as laid out in the Sustainable Development Goals, there is a need to expand our use of the ocean to produce food, energy, raw materials and transportation. Carrying out these activities in a sustainable manner will contribute to reducing global warming and environmental degradation, while also ensuring a healthy ocean that can provide significant opportunities for business and global economic growth.
As described in Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water, there is an urgent need to protect and restore the health of the ocean, which is rapidly deteriorating due to increasing temperatures, acidification, the depletion of natural resources, and pollution from land and sea.