Skretting sustainability report 2020

Our migration towards a more sustainable future

Health and safety

In 2020, following Nutreco’s progress, Skretting stepped up its efforts to ensure continued improvement in health and safety across the division. In February 2020, an HSE workshop was organised by SHV involving all of its companies. Among the items discussed and agreed were HSE related goals, targets and KPIs. This SHV-wide alignment in KPI reporting means a change for Nutreco and Skretting.

Historically, Nutreco measured Lost Time Injuries (LTIs) and the HSE Audit score. The division updated the KPI reporting - changing from lagging indicators to leading indicators, with an increased focus on systemic issues and incident management. At the same time, the significant backlog in corrective actions critical to personnel safety was addressed. The status of these KPIs are reviewed monthly in business review meetings.

The Skretting global HSE networks were also formed, seeking out and spreading best practices throughout the division. Sharing best practices has been vital for the developments in safety in 2020. The main objective is to recognise the best method of doing something and to distribute the knowledge and experience obtained.

Sharing best practices has been vital for the developments in safety in 2020.

Skretting continued to roll-out Nutreco’s Life Saving Rules across the division. An e-learning formed the basis of this effort, with specific focus put on Severe Injuries and Fatalities (SIFs) and Potential SIFs (PSIFs). Any failure of the Live Saving Rules is considered to be a PSIF.

Lessons From Incidents (LFIs) were distributed across the company, including what happened, the causes and actions that are to be taken to address the risk at other facilities with similar operations.

Our Skretting Safety Champions were also challenged to organise activities related to the central theme, with around 30 such actions held throughout the division.

Global teams organised webinars on safety leadership and lifesaving rules. For example, some local teams produced a webinar with their General Managers, Production Directors and HSE Engineers on health and safety.

Our youngest family members also joined in the action through an art contest with the theme: What does it look like when mom, dad, grandma or grandpa work safely?

Leading indicators table

*Not all KPIs have been measured yet as the projects are still being completed **There are no targets for lagging indicators

In this section

Skretting Nigeria staff with Therese Log Bergjord
Committed people for a committed company
Food bank preview
Increasing our commitment to communities in an unprecedented year
Female worker in Egypt
Training women and young people in Egypt
Code of Conduct for Business Partners
Fish farmer Nigeria
Continuing community development with Nigerian catfish farmers
Feedbags and forklift
Health and safety
Raw materials in bag


Feed ingredients used to produce farmed fish and shrimp‬‬

Like humans, fish and shrimp have specific nutritional needs. These needs vary across species and life stages. Aquaculture feed can contain many different ingredients of vegetable, marine and land animal origin. These ingredients contribute nutrients like protein, amino acids, energy, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals to the finished feed, ensuring the fish and shrimp receive a complete nutritional package. 

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