Big Fish Dar Es Salaam - Tanzania
Our Skretting Africa colleague Audrey Nyambura visited the tilapia farm of our customer ‘Big Fish’ in Tanzania. To get an insight in the way they work, she interviewed the hatchery manager,Mr Pstory Alois.
Last year, the Big Fish Dar Es Salaam site was upgraded and local infrastructure was adjusted to support the new RAS farm. Staff were trained in basic and advanced courses to operate the new technology and produce up to 150 kg of fresh tilapia per cubic meter in the RAS system. Big Fish aims to train Tanzanian fish farmers to adopt more structure and good practices in fish farm management.
Collaboration, expertise and efficiency are Big Fish's key strengths - let's keep an ear to the ground for how a good support network in combination with high quality feed products can make the biggest difference to both Big Fish and the fish farms they support.
#Fishfarming #Tilapia #feedingthefuture