Each life stage has specific nutritional requirements. At Skretting, our R&D knowledge
enables us to provide precise nutrition for the various production stages. Trout have a larger protein requirement when the fish are small, and a lower requirement when the fish are larger.
Through extensive trials and research, we define the optimal protein level in the different feeds. We have shown that a lack of protein decreases performance, but excessive protein does not improve growth, is costly and increases the FCR.
For maximum muscle growth, the trout needs both protein and fat. Protein and energy builds the muscle, while part of the growth also comes from the build up of intramuscular fat, which provide us with the healthy fatty acids that salmonids are known for.
To help trout better utilise the fat in the feed, micro nutrients are added to improve the mobilisation of fat in the body. The result is less fat accumulation in the gut, and increased feed intake, growth and harvest yield.
Celero products are available with or without astaxanthine and with or without Protec
ingredients to support optimal fish health.