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Research & development collaborations

Tapping into the potential of a connected, open company

Collaborating with leading universities and research institutes ensures participating in some of the most exciting research being conducted around the world. Below you can find concrete examples of this.

EU projects



AquaIMPACT focuses on integrating the fields of fish breeding and nutrition with the aim to promote more cost-effective production of robust, healthy and nutritious farmed fish. Use of novel ingredients and essential nutrients are researched as part of the solution.


Tuna farm

Fish AI

In response to the need to grow aquaculture in a sustainable way and become independent of finite feed ingredients, this project aims to develop an innovative, high-throughput screening tool that will enable the feed industry to predict the health and nutritional value of alternative feed faster and more effectively. 

Salmon school

ParaFish Control

ParaFishControl is a project focused on improving our understanding of fish-parasite interactions and developing innovative solutions and tools for the prevention, control and mitigation of the most harmful parasitic species affecting farmed fish. 

Cell during metaphase, seen under a microscope


Zelcor project aims at demonstrating the feasibility of transforming lignocellulose biorefinery recalcitrant side streams into high added-value biobased products, including fine chemicals. Its concept is to combine chemical and enzymatic catalysis with insects-based biological conversion, within a biorefinery integrated approach.



SylFeed has a threefold ambition to improve the local economy (forest industry) and save jobs in sectors in difficulty, respond to strategic needs of protein in Europe to reach food self-sufficiency, and address local and global environmental issues.

Salmon pen


PerformFISH brings together a representative multi-stakeholder, multi-disciplinary consortium to generate, validate and apply new knowledge in real farming conditions to substantially improve performance of the focal fish species, measured through Key Performance Indicators.



Flagship demonstration of industrial scale production of nutrient resources from mealworms to develop a bioeconomy

Cod dish


The objective of EATFish is a sustainable and profitable European aquaculture sector to secure healthy seafood for our growing society.

Norwegian Seafood Research Fund (FHF) projects

Nutra Sprint smolt


Aims to improve practices used for smolt production and thereby improve health and welfare, robustness and performance of post-smolts after SW transfer in the farming industry


Optimal nutrition for salmon in freshwater to increase fish robustness, survival and growth after seawater transfer

Salmon under water


Aims to clarify the importance of dietary EPA in inflammation and immune response in salmon by the use of cell models

DNA fingerprinting fish gut


The GutMatters project will conduct investigations on gut health issues in farmed salmon to define the gut health situation and the range of pathologies that exist in Norway, and develop and test hypotheses for improving intestinal health.

Salmon fillet

Stable Pigmentation

Study how dietary factors and physiological mechanisms interact and control the pigmentation of salmon muscle.

The Research Council of Norway (NFR) projects

Salmon swimming underwater


The aim of this project is to avoid micronutrient deficiencies during early life stages and to increase the growth potential, immune capacity, and decrease liver fat accumulation, fundamental for healthy growth through a) improved 1-C nutrient composition in gonads and eggs and b) smoltification, by optimization the dietary-induced epigenetic regulation of gene expression.

A sea bream juvenile eating feed pellets from a sandy underwater surface


This project aims to develop novel functional feed ingredients for the aquaculture industry through facilitating the recovery and utilisation of valuable bioactive peptides from the salmon industry in Norway and the sea bass/sea bream industry in Italy.

Microscopic image of fish skin, coloured dark blue

Robust salmon skin

Improve skin health, wound healing and resistance to Moritella viscosa in Atlantic salmon by a combined effort of genetics, vaccination and diets. 

Nordic Centre of Excellence Project

Fjord with boat and snow


The consortium will establish a Nordic Centre of Excellence for Sustainable and Resilient Aquatic Production (SUREAQUA) to advance the bioeconomy transition in the Nordic region. The multidisciplinary centre will provide competence, innovation and technology to ensure sustainability and resilience in aquatic and associated land-based value chains

Check out the full list of the institutions we partner with: