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Insect meal in commercial Skretting feed

Skretting has built knowledge to understand the use of insects as a feed ingredient in aquafeeds for many years, and has implemented it in commercial feed. “Like all our feed ingredients, we have been proactively working towards fully understanding the complexities of insect protein as an ingredient from a sustainable, nutritional, quality and safety, regulatory and financial perspective,” says Alex Obach, Skretting R&D Director.

Some of the insect industry's key challenges in successfully entering the aquaculture market are small volume availabilities and unfavourable market economics of replacing a high protein ingredient such as fish meal or soy protein concentrate with a more expensive insect protein. 

Back in 2018, Skretting scoured the start-up world and initiated discussions with more than 40 producers of insect ingredients from all over the world. Through collaborations with research providers and our own in-house research and development facilities, we tested the performance of products from several companies in key commercial species. Results were varied, which was not unexpected, since the insect industry’s activities towards applying their novel ingredients for use in aquaculture feed were still in their infancy. 

We continued to work with, and provided insight to, insect start-up companies to help support their commercial success. Fast forward to today, and the use of insects as a feed ingredient has been successfully implemented in commercial Skretting feed. 

The key for the success of insect meal is to be aware of the needs of the target market and to have control of ingredient processing conditions to ensure consistent product quality.
Gunvor Baardsen, Raw Material Coordinator & Senior Researcher, Skretting AI

Working together to ensure commercial success

We have worked with, and provided insight to, insect start-up companies to help support their commercial success.  “We believe that this knowledge will help ensure that the future of aquaculture continues to progress and develop in a responsible and sustainable way,” says Obach.

Some of the key challenges facing the insect industry to successfully enter the aquaculture market are the small volume availabilities on offer and unfavourable market economics of replacing a high protein ingredient such as fish meal or soy protein concentrate with a more expensive insect protein. “Over time, we expect the volume of insect meal available to the market to increase from a select number of suppliers. However, we do not expect that these volumes will ever compete at the scale of traditional high protein ingredients used,” continues Obach.

The challenge of incorporating an expensive novel ingredient into a fish or shrimp diet, despite it having positive sustainability credentials, is not an easy one. The success lies with sharing the responsibility within the whole feed-to-food value chain. The use of insects in aquafeeds represents a positive opportunity for multiple stakeholders within the feed-to-food value chain, and for the future of the aquaculture industry.


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