20 years of research at your fingertips

Our powerful AquaSim suite offers advanced forecasting and analysis for fish and shrimp farmers to optimise farm performance and provide tailored advice. 

A legacy of innovation

Our commitment to digital solutions began long before the term "digital transformation" became a buzzword. In the early 1990s, we launched WinMix, an internally developed feed recipe optimisation programme connecting feed formulation and production. This innovation continues to keep Skretting Norway at the forefront of formulation. 

Back in the 90s, realising that there was a pattern to growing and feeding salmon, we started creating feeding tables and growth models, which developed into our digital forecasting suite, AquaSim. This digitual suite generates growth models not just for salmon, but a wide range of other fish and shrimp species. AquaSim gives farmers advanced models that predict growth, optimise feeding strategies, and enhance farm performance in varying environmental conditions. 

Skaila Datahub: Harnessing the power of data

Skaila Datahub is a prime example of our commitment to data-driven decision-making. This powerful platform integrates data from various sources, both internal and external, to create a single, secure, and accessible repository. With features like object and row-level security, the Skaila Datahub ensures that data is both accessible and protected.  

The Skaila Datahub is set to replace AquaSim's dataset, bringing even greater efficiency and precision to our digital tools. It enables our teams to generate actionable insights, helping farmers anticipate harvest times, optimise feed usage, and predict price trends. 

AquaSim illustration

Skretting 360+: The pinnacle of precision farming

The most significant milestone in our digital journey is the introduction of Skretting 360+, an integrated platform that takes our digital offerings to the next level. Skretting 360+ combines innovative tools and services designed to optimise feeding, farming, and health management, offering proactive technical support to farmers worldwide. In Latin America, for instance, this platform has played a crucial role in digitalising shrimp farming. 

Skretting 360+ is more than just a tool; it's a comprehensive ecosystem that offers a holistic view of farm operations. By gathering real-time data, it enables farmers to take preventive and proactive measures, maximising the value of their farms in a sustainable and profitable manner. From feed selection to stocking patterns, Skretting 360+ provides tailored recommendations that align with each farm’s unique production goals. 

Precision farming in practice

Eruvaka PondMother
AquaSim in hand

Farm management in your hands

AquaSim can be accessed via our online portal and can be used on PC, tablets or smartphones. Check out the online manual to maximise the benefits of AquaSim's functionalities.

Online manual

Stories on Precision farming

AquaSim app in hand

Going beyond feed with Skretting 360+

Skretting’s ambition is to contribute to meeting the world’s rising food needs in a sustainable manner. Developing innovative nutritional solutions for our customers is one of the means to achieve this – and that’s not where it ends.

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Barramundi held in hands

Launching new growth model for barramundi

The farming of barramundi has escalated substantially over the course of the last decade. Skretting anticipates that the production of barramundi will continue on this strong growth trend, and is committed to supporting its customers through precision services and premium feed solutions.

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AquaSim in hand

Skretting moves to cutting edge technology to digitise aquaculture

Skretting AquaSim went live on Microsoft Azure on 16 October to ensure digital services will become faster, more agile and more reliable. This move supports development today and the vision for tomorrow.

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