Sustainability report 

Skretting sustainability performance 2019

12.1 Supporting fishery improvement projects (FIPs)

Great strides have been made by the aquaculture industry to improve its responsible practices in recent years, with substantial efforts particularly focused on encouraging marine ingredient suppliers to ensure that they source raw materials from well-managed, sustainable fisheries.

SDG FIP.pngA large number of fisheries in Europe and the Americas today are certified to the MarinTrust standard. Skretting has the ambition to source from only MarinTrust-compliant fisheries, and we support fisheries to embark on improvement projects so they can become certified according to the MarinTrust standard.

Currently, Skretting is engaged in three fishery improvement projects (FIPs). One of the most important fisheries in the world, the Peruvian anchovy fishery, is engaged in a FIP to achieve a “certifiable status” according to the guidelines of the Conservation Alliance for Sustainable Solutions (CASS).

At the meeting held in November 2019 in the FIP Working Group, Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE) representative, Dr. Jorge Tam, presented on the advances of the ecosystem model to understand the trophic impacts of the fishery. The presentation showed a great degree of advancement, but more work is yet to be done. IMARPE scientists expect to have completed this by the beginning of January 2020 with a report to follow.

Fishery improvement projects


12.2 SeaBOS cooperates with the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability

Skretting is a founding member of the sustainable body Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship initiative (SeaBOS), which represents 10 of the world’s largest seafood companies. All of these member companies are aligned in the mission to lead a global transformation towards sustainable seafood production and a healthy ocean.

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