Skretting’s purchases of soy ingredients according to country of cultivation
43% South America
41% North America
12% Asia
2% Africa
1% Europe
1% Unknown
As stated in “Our new soy sourcing policy” chapter, the launch of the Soy & Oil Palm Sourcing Policy in 2020 was an important milestone in our commitment to address deforestation, the major sustainability challenge for our industry. As part of that, we have increased our efforts to trace the ingredients back to the country in which they were cultivated, which is a step further to our current traceability of the country of origin of the manufacturer that we source from. This additional step allows us to have a more detailed overview of the challenges we face when sourcing these ingredients for our feeds.
During 2020, 84% of the soy ingredients purchased by Skretting were identified as cultivated in North and South America, whereas the rest came from Asia, Europe and Africa. There is still 1% of our global purchases for which we did not have full traceability of the country of cultivation, but we are working to improve our systems and collaboration with suppliers to have the full picture during 2021.
A highlight compared to our previous report was that 79% of our global purchases of soy ingredients during 2020 were deforestation-free based on either it’s country-of-cultivation or due to third party certification schemes such as ProTerra, improving the 33% recorded in 2019.
A highlight compared to our previous report was that 79% of our global purchases of soy ingredients during 2020 were deforestation-free.
43% South America
41% North America
12% Asia
2% Africa
1% Europe
1% Unknown