An innovation in aquafeed production

Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is an accurate and rapid analysis method that is well suited for quantitative determination of nutrients in feed ingredients and feed.

In essence, light energy is transmitted to a sample which is absorbed by the nutrients in the sample. The amount of absorbed energy is translated by mathematical equations to concentrations of the individual nutrients in the sample.


Setting global standards

NIR instruments are installed at every Skretting plant worldwide and provide rapid, accurate analyses of feed ingredients, intermediate products and finished feeds.

Every year, Skretting analyses 600 000 samples, generating 3 million analytical results that set the standards globally. Skretting Aquaculture Research Centre (ARC) is responsible for innovations, calibration development, performance monitoring and support to the Skretting plants through our global NIR network.

Accurate analysis

The NIR analytical equipment installed at every Skretting plant worldwide provides rapid, accurate analyses of all raw materials, meal mixes and finished feeds.

“NIR is a very practical method to use for the production and quality teams at feed plants,” says Ørjan Breivik, the NIR team leader at Skretting ARC in Norway. “Samples need little or no preparation and results from multiple parameters are available almost instantly. The information they produce enables formulators to ensure finished feeds match the specifications precisely, and that customers receive feeds with all the benefits the research team and product developers intended.”

Raw materials circle
NIR is a very practical method to use for the production and quality teams at our feed plants. Samples need little or no preparation and results from multiple parameters are available almost instantly.
NIR in the production process
NIR in the production process